Monday, March 04, 2024
Monday, March 04, 2024
First off, an unusual twist in our narrative - Sylvie, my life and business partner, has unfortunately caught COVID. It seems the universe has its way of reminding us that despite our best efforts, some challenges persist.
Many of you, like us, have journeyed through your 40s and 50s, a period marked by professional achievement and the pursuit of career success. It's a time when the resume is king, and every experience is a potential bullet point on that all-important document.
However, Sylvie and I have transitioned beyond this stage. We've moved from the age of constant striving to a phase of reflection and wisdom-sharing - from aging to sharing, if you will. This isn't about slowing down; rather, it's a shift in focus. It's about looking inward and asking ourselves what truly matters, what legacy we want to leave behind that speaks more to the heart than the LinkedIn profile.
During our 40s and 50s, we were deeply entrenched in the world of professional development, always looking outward. Now, having passed this milestone, we find ourselves more firmly rooted in life's experiences and more in touch with our core values. It's a time of life when the stories we want to be remembered for are those of personal meaning and impact, not just our job titles or professional achievements.
This phase is about developing the traits and wisdom we'd like to be our legacy, the ones we hope to recount in eulogies rather than on our CVs. It's when we realize the importance of sharing our reservoir of life experiences from a genuine desire to help others navigate their paths with a bit more ease and understanding.
As Sylvie and I navigate through her recovery, we've been reminded of the importance of this sharing phase. We're more committed than ever to sharing our journey, the lessons we've learned, and the wisdom we've accumulated. It's not about being seen as sages on high but about engaging in a mutual exchange of life's profound lessons.
To our peers, who've also transitioned beyond the hustle of the 40s and 50s, we invite you to join us on this journey. And to Sylvie, my partner in life and business, get well soon. The world needs more of your sharing.
Warmest regards,
#brandingpersonnel #brandingprofessionnel #sharing #resume
Joseph Gil -Osle
Just replacing Sylvie the time she needs to recover
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Dans le vaste monde des réseaux sociaux, se distinguer peut souvent sembler aussi complexe que de naviguer dans une métropole bondée sans carte ni boussole. C'est ici que le SEO et une stratégie de contenu réfléchie entrent en jeu, servant d'uniforme numérique qui non seulement vous identifie mais vous aide aussi à vous démarquer. Voici comment vous pouvez définir votre uniforme numérique pour optimiser votre présence en ligne.
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Aujourd'hui, j'ai envie de parler de quelque chose que beaucoup d'entre nous connaissent bien : la peur dans l'entrepreneuriat. Et en particulier, cette petite bête redoutable appelée la peur d'être critiquée. Oui, celle-là même qui nous fait parfois hésiter à lancer cette nouvelle idée géniale ou à prendre ce risque calculé.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Grandir dans un environnement très égalitaire, où la différence entre hommes et femmes n'était guère remarquée, m'a probablement immunisée contre certains stéréotypes tenaces. Comme beaucoup dans ma génération, j'ai été l'heureuse bénéficiaire des avancées du Mouvement de Libération des Femmes inspiré par le Women's Lib américain dans les années 60-70.
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